Way History: 98C (199817380)
Version #11
Checking sources
! | please do not delete |
end_date | 1971-12-31 |
end_date:edtf | during 1971 |
railway | rail |
ref | 98C |
source:geometry | Ministry of public works, Topographic maps, 1950-1973 (available on geopunt.be and geoportail.wallonie.be) |
source_type | railway |
start_date | 1872 |
start_date:fixme | arbitrary |
type | source |
29 nodes
- 2108557495 (part of ways 98C (199817377) and 199817378)
- 2108557536
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Version #10
Checking sources
! | please do not delete |
end_date | 1971-12-31 |
end_date:edtf | during 1971 |
railway | rail |
ref | 98C |
source:geometry | Ministry of public works, Topographic maps, 1950-1973 (available on geopunt.be and geoportail.wallonie.be) |
source_not_checked | yes |
source_type | railway |
start_date | 1872 |
start_date:fixme | arbitrary |
type | source |
29 nodes
- 2108557495 (part of ways 98C (199817377) and 199817378)
- 2108557536
- 2108557535
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Version #9
Checking sources
! | please do not delete |
end_date | 1971-12-31 |
end_date:edtf | during 1971 |
railway | rail |
ref | 98C |
source | Ministry of public works, Topographic maps, 1950-1973 (available on geopunt.be and geoportail.wallonie.be) |
source_not_checked | yes |
source_type | railway |
start_date | 1872 |
start_date:fixme | arbitrary |
type | source |
29 nodes
- 2108557495 (part of ways 98C (199817377) and 199817378)
- 2108557536
- 2108557535
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- 2108557509
Version #8
Tagging : replacing start date/end date:note arbitrary with star/end_date:fixme=arbitrary
! | please do not delete |
end_date | 1971-12-31 |
end_date:edtf | during 1971 |
railway | rail |
ref | 98C |
source | Ministry of public works, Topographic maps, 1950-1973 (available on geopunt.be and geoportail.wallonie.be) |
source_type | railway |
start_date | 1872 |
start_date:fixme | arbitrary |
type | source |
29 nodes
- 2108557495 (part of ways 98C (199817377) and 199817378)
- 2108557536
- 2108557535
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- 2108557532
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- 2108557509
Version #7
Removing data_type=display from my previous work ; simplifying tagging from data_type to type
! | please do not delete |
end_date | 1971-12-31 |
end_date:edtf | during 1971 |
railway | rail |
ref | 98C |
source | Ministry of public works, Topographic maps, 1950-1973 (available on geopunt.be and geoportail.wallonie.be) |
source_type | railway |
start_date | 1872 |
start_date:note | arbitrary |
type | source |
29 nodes
- 2108557495 (part of ways 98C (199817377) and 199817378)
- 2108557536
- 2108557535
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Version #6
Belgium/highways and railway, checking sources
! | please do not delete |
data_type | source |
end_date | 1971-12-31 |
end_date:edtf | during 1971 |
railway | rail |
ref | 98C |
source | Ministry of public works, Topographic maps, 1950-1973 (available on geopunt.be and geoportail.wallonie.be) |
source_type | railway |
start_date | 1872 |
start_date:note | arbitrary |
29 nodes
- 2108557495 (part of ways 98C (199817377) and 199817378)
- 2108557536
- 2108557535
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Version #5
SNCV/NMVB Group Tournai, tram lines, checking dates and sources
! | please do not delete |
data_type | source |
end_date | 1971-12-31 |
end_date:edtf | during 1971 |
railway | rail |
ref | 98C |
source:geometry | Ministry of public works, Topographic maps, 1950-1973 (available on geopunt.be and geoportail.wallonie.be) |
source_type | railway |
start_date | 1872 |
start_date:note | arbitrary |
29 nodes
- 2108557495 (part of ways 98C (199817377) and 199817378)
- 2108557536
- 2108557535
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Version #4
(no comment)
! | please do not delete |
data_type | source |
end_date | 1971 |
railway | rail |
ref | 98C |
source:geometry | Ministry of public works, Topographic maps, 1950-1973 (available on geopunt.be and geoportail.wallonie.be) |
source_type | railway |
start_date | 1872 |
start_date:note | arbitrary |
29 nodes
- 2108557495 (part of ways 98C (199817377) and 199817378)
- 2108557536
- 2108557535
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- 2108557509
Version #3
(no comment)
data_type | source |
end_date | 1971 |
railway | rail |
ref | 98C |
source:geometry | Ministry of public works, Topographic maps, 1950-1973 (available on geopunt.be and geoportail.wallonie.be) |
source_type | railway |
start_date | 1872 |
start_date:note | arbitrary |
29 nodes
- 2108557495 (part of ways 98C (199817377) and 199817378)
- 2108557536
- 2108557535
- 2108557534
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- 2108557509
Version #2
(no comment)
data_type | source |
end_date | 1971 |
railway | rail |
ref | 98C |
source:geometry | Ministry of public works, Topographic maps, 1950-1973 (available on geopunt.be and geoportail.wallonie.be) |
start_date | 1872 |
start_date:note | arbitrary |
29 nodes
- 2108557495 (part of ways 98C (199817377) and 199817378)
- 2108557536
- 2108557535
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Version #1
Dépôt de Quaregnon
end_date | 1971 |
linestring_type | source |
railway | rail |
ref | 98C |
source:geometry | Ministry of public works, Topographic maps, 1950-1973 (available on geopunt.be and geoportail.wallonie.be) |
start_date | 1872 |
start_date:note | arbitrary |
29 nodes
- 2108557495 (part of ways 98C (199817377) and 199817378)
- 2108557536
- 2108557535
- 2108557534
- 2108557533
- 2108557532
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