Way History: 198204893
Version #3
simplified some czech/german boundary sections to 5 meters - incorporated the boundary change of the "Schimmelzunge" in 1935
admin_level | 2 |
border_type | nation |
boundary | administrative |
source | Bayerische Vermessungsverwaltung |
source:url | www.geodaten.bayern.de |
55 nodes
- 2083997568 (part of way 198210616)
- 2084014101
- 2084014100
- 2084014098
- 2083954603
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- 2084014087
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- 2084014213
- 2084014214
- 2084014217 (part of ways 198210619 and 198210618)
Version #2
Soudní okres Cheb: + další obce
- Edited about 6 years ago by Daniel Baránek
- Changeset #4197
admin_level | 2 |
border_type | nation |
boundary | administrative |
source | Bayerische Vermessungsverwaltung |
source:url | www.geodaten.bayern.de |
189 nodes
- 2083997568 (part of way 198210616)
- 2084014101
- 2084014100
- 2084014099
- 2084014098
- 2083954608
- 2084014095
- 2084014092
- 2083954603
- 2083954602
- 2083954600
- 2084014087
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- 2084014090
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- 2083954606
- 2084014097
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- 2084014210
- 2084014211
- 2084014212
- 2084014213
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- 2084014215
- 2084014216
- 2084014217 (part of ways 198210619 and 198210618)
Version #1
+ okres Cheb
- Edited about 6 years ago by Daniel Baránek
- Changeset #4116
admin_level | 2 |
border_type | nation |
boundary | administrative |
source | Bayerische Vermessungsverwaltung |
source:url | www.geodaten.bayern.de |
197 nodes
- 2083997568 (part of way 198210616)
- 2084014101
- 2084014100
- 2084014099
- 2084014098
- 2083954608
- 2084014095
- 2084014092
- 2083954603
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- 2083954600
- 2084014087
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- 2084014215
- 2084014216
- 2084014217 (part of ways 198210619 and 198210618)
- 2083954662 (part of way 198210618)
- 2084014218 (part of way 198210618)
- 2083954663
- 2084014219 (part of way 198210618)
- 2084014220 (part of way 198210618)
- 2084014221
- 2084014222
- 2083997681 (part of ways 198203684, 198204891, and 198210618)
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