Way: Aller (112871095)
Version #10
Upgrade tags waterway=riverbank -> natural=water + water=river
- Edited by ZeLonewolf
- Changeset #39387
680 nodes
- 1281896030 (part of way Aller (112871096))
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- 1281895707 (part of way Aller (166562666))
- 1279559700 (part of way Aller (166562666))
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- 1373739487
- 1281895791 (part of way Aller (112871086))
- 914946339 (part of way Aller (112871086))
- 1281896676
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- 914946329
- 1026404954
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- 914946332 (part of way Aller (166561849))
- 1281896073 (part of way Aller (166561849))
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- 1662198330
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- 2064711214
- 1324166088
- 1281896139
- 1281896536
- 1279559770
- 1279560113
- 1279559516
- 1281896438 (part of way Aller (112871096))
- 1281896030 (part of way Aller (112871096))
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