
muninn_project's Diary

Recent diary entries

A power shutdown of the machine room for pre-semester maintenance will occur tomorrow. The length of the shutdown should be less than the window and services will return gradually afterwards. Overpass API may be slower due to processing issues.

Please see

As the Open Historical Map stabilizes into new hosting, there is finally time to breathe a little and look forward to improvements in the front-end.

Earlier this week, the data uploaded in Changeset 1430 about the Battle of Vimy Ridge was pushed into a map rendered by the WikiWar Guys and partially derived from data gathered from the Canadian Expeditionary Force Study Group.

I would like to see the OHM have a Linked Open Data aspect to it’s API to push out more data in a machine friendly way to make it easy to integrate with other data sources. That renderer project to have a time slide option for the tile server is still something that I would like to see realize.

Interestingly, the OWL-TIME standard is being worked on at the W3C which has some interesting ideas for us to look at in using time notations for objects.