Rumbling Bridge described as New Bridge on document dating c1776
Add the cliffs I had surveyed for OSM
Update tags according to the wiki docs advice.
Add the approximate dates for buildings. Will need fixing
Houses on cathedral street were destroyed in 1689 but will have been rebuilt.
The river area has changes over the centuries
Added the bridge - Adair's map has a Bridge at Trochry in 1720
Adding some more road lines to add skeleton. Will need to join up and confirm dates later.
Add some more approximate detail Main sources
Update the date on the road to be more accurate
Add current buildings with estimated built date. These may need refining.
Add approximate location of avenue to later Dunkeld House
Add A place holder for St Ninian's Chapel
Add house and where the river used to be before land was reclaimed.
Visit to site. Found old Pictish Battlements. Moved the putative round houses into the enclosed area
Add some features that are still present today but are fairly old.
Add the peak now know as King's Seat
Visited the Pictish Fort site today.