Conforming Newberry import in New Jersey with National Municipal boundaries as defined by the US Government; municipalities therein to come (some lingering artefacts will be there until I finish that)
Conforming Newberry import in New Jersey with National Municipal boundaries as defined by the US Government; municipalities therein to come (some lingering artefacts will be there until I finish that)
License tags for OSM data
License tags for OSM data
Missing start dates
Missing start dates
Missing start dates
One last broken start date
rough start date
Start date vs note:start date
Missing start dates
Broken start date tags
Start dates, Eisenhower Parkway interchange
NJ 4; will get to bridge plaza in a couple days
Eisenhower Parkway
Route 3; cleanup in Route 24 vicinity
These highways still exist
Correct start / end tags, GSP
Garden State Parkway, Turnpike widening
Garden State Parkway, Turnpike widening