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Abbe98's Diary

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Posted by Abbe98 on January 7, 2015 in English. Last updated on February 21, 2015.

I could not find any used solution for marking up information as hypothetical so I did it in my own way.

For dates OHM seams to use start_date/end_date(that’s at least what I have been seeing).

So when I decided on how I would mark up hypothetical information I wanted to be flexible. I started with ohm:hypothetical, then follows the tag/key that’s hypothetical. for example a hypothetical start_date would look like: ohm:hypothetical:start_date=yes this would also allow the value to be no for none hypothetical information.

The reason not to use ohm:hypothetical=<tag-name>" is that then you can’t have more then one ohm:hypothetical tag(OSM does not allow duplicate keys).

Example uses:

  • ohm:hypothetical:name=yes
  • ohm:hypothetical:start_date=yes
  • ohm:hypothetical:end_date=no
  • ohm:hypothetical:landuse=yes

For marking up a hypothetical location I can see two approaches one is to just have ohm:hypothetical:ohm:location=yes another is go with ohm:hypothetical=yes.

Another approach to the problem would be to just append the hypothetical key with :hypothetical or :verifiable,

If it does exist a common solution I can replace my one, but I could not find one…

Anyone else that have been marking up any data as hypothetical? How did you do this?

Feedback on this?

The tags start_date/end_date should they be ohm:start_date/ohm:end_date? They are OHM specific as far as I know.

Location: 59,078, 16,376